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Gender-Based Violence

Prevention and Response


SDDirect is a prominent global leader in gender-based violence (GBV) programming, policy, and research, anchored in feminist principles. We partner with diverse groups and stakeholders, offering technical support, training, and accompaniment throughout programme and investment lifecycles.

We recognise the importance of integrating gender-based violence prevention and response across other aspects of our work as an accelerator for achieving gender equality.  

A group of women's hands touching at the fingertips in a circle.

Graphic of an outline of three woman with two women in dark blue and one in light blue.

1/3 women and girls endure physical or sexual violence, with heightened risk for those facing discrimination based on factors like poverty, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and HIV status. 

Violence against women and girls is a significant human rights and public health issue rooted in power imbalances. Its costs, both social and economic, are immense, lasting generations.  


Prevention is possible through an intersectional, evidence-based, and practice-oriented approach addressing the underlying causes. 

Woman holding up a sign at a protest stating "Put a stop to this violence".

Our GBV prevention & response work 

Prevention and response: Holistic programming to end VAWG in various settings with an emphasis on primary prevention accompanied by response.   

GBV in emergencies: GBV prevention and response in humanitarian programming with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

School related GBV: Prevention and response in education spaces, with a focus on gendered and intersectional analysis. 

Violence against LGBTQI+ communities: Prevention and response with a focus on intersectional analysis, research and evaluation. 

Technology facilitated GBV: Prevention and response with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

We envision a world free from all forms of gender-based violence, where all women, girls and gender diverse people can realise their rights and exercise choice and agency. 

Our areas of expertise


Helpdesk services; programme leadership; technical assistance, accompaniment and training; knowledge products and guidance material; policy and programme guidance; specialist research, monitoring and evaluation on GBV.

We take a  feminist intersectional approach to our work on GBV, recognising how gender inequality intersects with other systems of oppression, discrimination and structural inequalities, including (but not limited to) those related to race, ethnicity, class, cast, homo and transphobia, ableism, ageism, nationality, immigration status, refugee and asylum seeker status, and health status. 

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Integrating GBV into Humanitarian Preparedness: Pacific Regional Brief

This brief aims to assist FCDO humanitarian teams in integrating gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in humanitarian preparedness work in the Pacific region, particularly focusing on large-scale disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. It provides a summary of regional data on GBV and emerging practices on GBV integration in preparedness planning in the Pacific.

What difference are Feminist Foreign Policies making to ending Violence Against Women and Girls?

The report highlights the increasing global adoption of Feminist Foreign Policies (FFPs) and Feminist Development Policies (FDPs) since Sweden's pioneering initiative in 2014. Despite growing support, the world remains off track to eliminate violence against women and girls (VAWG) by 2023, a critical barrier to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The brief assesses how existing FFPs and gender strategies address VAWG prevention and response, emphasizing the need for systemic change beyond rhetoric.

GBV Prevention in Refugee Camp Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report addresses the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in refugee camps, highlighting factors such as poverty, disrupted support systems, minority status, and limited access to essentials that contribute to increased risk. The report emphasizes the underlying root causes within camp settings, including gender inequality, patriarchal norms, alcohol/drug abuse, and controlling behaviors among men.

Refugee Women-led Organisations on the Frontline of Addressing GBV: Key Actions for the Global Refugee Forum

This policy brief summarises the pivotal role that refugee WLOs play in preventing and responding to GBV, as well as the systemic barriers they face. It aims to support specific and actionable pledges at the Global Refugee Forum.The insights are based on interviews with refugee WLOs in Kenya, Ukraine, South Sudan, Rwanda, Romania and Jordan, global organisations supporting refugee WLOs, and refugee leaders working with refugee women and youth networks. The brief also draws on a rapid desk review of the evidence.

Annotated Bibliography: Integrating GBV Risk Mitigation in Programming and in Foster Care Procedures for Adolescent Girls on the Move in Europe

This annotated bibliography includes key resources and guidance related to integrating GBV risk mitigation in programming and in foster care procedures for adolescent girls on the move in Europe, with specific focus on Italy. It also looks at relevant experiences and best practices related to this from European and other countries.